How to Reject Calls Automatically in AN Whatsapp? Easiest Way

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Can I decline a call on WhatsApp and send a message instead? Usually, we can send a pre-written text message when we decline a call, but I’d like to know if we can do this through AN WhatsApp.

An WhatsApp has become huge worldwide for chatting and calling. You can send messages, large files, audio, videos, and photos to your friends. You can even make voice calls for free to anyone globally.

But some prefer sticking to messaging on WhatsApp only. Maybe they’re worried about privacy or just find unexpected calls bothersome. If you’re curious about how to reject calls automatically in AN Whatsapp but still keep chatting, stick around for some simple.

How to Reject Calls Automatically in AN Whatsapp?

Here’s a simple guide on how to reject calls automatically in AN Whatsapp:

  • Open AN WhatsApp.
  • Tap the three dots at the top right.
  • Choose “ANMods.”
  • Click on “Privacy and Lock.”
  • Look for “General privacy settings” at the top.
  • Under “General privacy settings,” tap “Who can call me?”
  • You’ll see two sections: “Who can call me?” and “Action Required.”
  • In the first section, pick who you want to reject calls from automatically.
  • In the second section, select “Call declined.”
  • Now, calls will be rejected automatically in AN Whatsapp, making your communication smoother.


By customizing your privacy settings, you can control who can call you, ensuring a more seamless communication experience. Additionally, while WhatsApp doesn’t offer a built-in feature to send a message when declining a call, you can still manually send a message to the caller if needed. 


WhatsApp doesn’t have a feature to send a pre-written text message when declining a call. However, you can manually send a message after declining the call.

You can’t completely stop incoming calls on WhatsApp, but you can manage who can call you by adjusting your privacy settings. Follow the steps provided in the guide to reject calls automatically from certain contacts.

WhatsApp doesn’t have a feature specifically for blocking calls from unknown numbers. However, you can block individual contacts or adjust your privacy settings to limit who can contact you, which can help minimize unwanted calls.

James Lancaster

James Lancaster

I’m James Lancaster, a dedicated WhatsApp mods researcher. As an author at, I bring you the latest and best WhatsApp mods to enhance your communication experience. Join me to stay consistently updated in the dynamic world of WhatsApp mods.